1) In 1941, the Nazis ... Belarus. a) were occupied b) was occupied c) occupied d) were occupying 2) Every year big celebrations ... in Minsk. a) took place b) take place c) were taken place d) have taken place 3) A big fireworks display ... on the Independence Day two years ago. a) was organized b) is organized c) organized d) organizes 4) Belarus ... a lot during World War II, and it's important to remember that. a) was suffered b) was suffering c) has suffered d) suffered 5) The citizens heroically ... to liberate their country from the Nazi occupation. a) were fought b) fighted c) was fought d) fought 6) The war ... many homes, leaving families suffering. a) was destroyed b) destroyed c) has destroyed d) did destroy 7) Every year Independence Day ... by setting off fireworks. a) is celebrated b) is celebrate c) was celebrated d) celebrates 8) A parade ... every year to honor our veterans. a) is holding b) is hold c) is held d) holds 9) The festivities usually ... at the town square. a) take place b) takes place c) are taken place d) was taken place 10) ... the holiday festivities next year? a) Will you attend b) Did you attend c) Do you attend d) Are you attended 11) An amazing program ... for the Independence Day celebrations last year. a) organized b) be organized c) was organize d) was organized 12) We ... by the spectacular fireworks display at the park. a) impressed b) were impressed c) is impressed d) were impress



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