Woman: Hello, can I have two ____ please? Man: Of course! Are ____ okay? Woman: Yes, thank you. Those are great. Man: Anything else? Woman: Yes, a pineapple ____. Man: How about this ____ Woman: Yes, ____ one looks nice. Thank you. Man: You're welcome. Woman: Hello, can I have ____ apples please? Man: Of course! ____ these okay? Woman: Yes, thank you. Those are ____. Man: Anything else? Woman: Yes, some ____ please. Man: How about these? Woman: Yes, ____ look yummy. Thank you. Man: You're welcome. Man: Hello, can I have some ____ please? Woman: Of course! Are these good? Man: Yes, ____ you. Those are perfect. Woman: Anything else? Man: Yes, four oranges ____. Woman: How about ____ Man: Yes, those look ____. Thank you. Woman: You're welcome.

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