2011 - In which year were prescription made free in Scotland?, People will be more likely to visit their doctor if treatment is free - Why does the SNP support free prescriptions?, They want the money saved to be spent on more doctors - Why does the Conservative party want to end free prescriptions?, £1.3 billion - How much money does the NHS spend on prescription drugs each year?, 42 days - How long does Universal Credit’s built in delay require claimants to wait before receiving a benefit payment?, Leaves claimant in debt and reliant on food banks - What did a 2015 Citizens Advice Bureau study claim were the consequences of the design flaws with Universal Credit?, Move people from benefits into work and less unemployed - What arguments do government supporters use to suggest Universal Credit and its benefit cap works?, Decreased - Has alcohol consumption increased or decreased in Scotland since the introduction of the alcohol pricing Act?, Increased - Has the number of alcohol-related hospital admissions increased or decreased in recent years?, 6 times - How much more likely are people living in the most deprived areas to be admitted to hospital because of alcohol compared to those from the least deprived areas?, Tobacco advertising ban - What scheme was introduced in Scotland in 2013 to reduce the amount of young people smoking?, 2% - What percentage of Scots stopped smoking from 2013 to 2018?, The number of 13 and 15 year olds smoking is now at its lowest level since records began - What evidence suggests the tobacco advertising ban has been effective in reducing the number of young smokers?, 25 - What age do you have to be to claim the National Living Wage (NLW)?, 6.2% - By what percentage did the government increase the National Living Wage in April 2020?, It does not take account of the actual cost of living - Why has the NLW been criticised by the Living Wage Foundation?, To reduce the attainment gap between rich and poor students - What is the purpose of the Attainment Scotland Fund?, £750 million - How much money has been allocated to the Attainment Scotland Fund?, Over 29,000 - How many young people received EMA from 2017 to 2018?, Many do not spend the money on books or travel and an attainment gap still remains - Why do many critics argue EMA does not work?,


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