lose - Did you ________ a wallet?, make - Did he __________ a cake yesterday?, travel - Did he __________ to Africa last year?, take - Did she __________ the bus to school?, eat - Did you ___________ my sandwich?, do - What school project did she _______ ?, break - Did your mum __________ her arm?, go - Where did your parents _______ yesterday?, watch - What programme did you brother _________?, collect - Did you ____________ cars or cards as a child?, read - Did your dad __________ that magazine yesterday?, cost - How much did that jumper ___________?, dream - What about did you __________ at night?, build - When did you grandpa _________ this house?, buy - Where did she _________ that skirt?, fall - Where did the key __________? I can't find it!, have - When did you ___________ a shower?, come - When did your brother ________ back home?, fly - What time did the plane ________ away?, burn - How did that house __________ ? ,

3D - Past simple - questions


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النمط البصري


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