1) Do you think models lead a healthy lifestyle? 2) Would you like to be a model? Why/not? 3) What are the pros and cons of being a model? 4) Do you think 15 is too young to be walking down a catwalk? 5) Why do you think super-thin is in? 6) What should the fashion industry do to help models with eating disorders? 7) Do you think women who have eating disorders because they copy the models’ looks? 8) What do models have to submit to attest their good health? 9) Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes? 10) Do you think it is important to be in fashion? 11) Do you think people feel different when they wear different clothes? 12) What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen? 13) Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what is inside us? 14) Are you a fashion victim? 15) What are the qualities of a good leader? 16) Would you consider Pope Francis a world leader? 17) Do you admire someone in particular? Why? 18) What do you think of young celebrities? Mention advantages and disadvantages of being famous 19) Would you like to be famous? Why? 20) Are famous people happy? 21) Who is your favourite singer? Describe him/her. Refer to his/her life, career, albums and awards 22) Which celebrity would you like to meet? What would you do if you could spend a day with this person? 23) Do you think famous people have the right to have a private life? 24) Do you think it's moral to sell your private life to the media? 25) Do you think there is a relationship between beauty and being a celebrity?

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