1) He is a Greek philosopher who stated that all matter is a combination of four elements: water, air, fire and Earth. a) Aristotle b) Leucippus c) Thales d) Pythagoras 2) It is one of the Types of Nucleosynthesis where mostly photons, neutrinos, anti-neutrinos formed the remaining heavier elements greater than iron. a) Big Bang Nucleosynthesis b) Stellar Nucleosynthesis c) Cosmic Nucleosynthesis d) Supernova Nucleosynthesis 3) He is an Irish physicist and chemist who stated that the volume of gas decreases as the pressure increases, at constant temperature. a) Jacques Charles b) Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac c) Robert Boyle d) Pierre Gassendi 4) It is a type of bond polarity created when electrons between atoms are not equally shared. a) Chemical Bond b) Ionic Bond c) Polar Covalent Bond d) Non Polar Covalent 5) It is one of the Types of Nucleosynthesis where different particles fused to form elements from Beryllium to Iron. a) Big Bang Nucleosynthesis b) Stellar Nucleosynthesis c) Cosmic Nucleosynthesis d) Supernova Nucleosynthesis 6) He is a Greek philosopher who supported the Pythagorean view of atoms (matter). He also added that all matter are infinitely divisible. a) Anaximenes b) Heraclitus c) Aristotle d) Thales 7) It is a type of bond polarity created when electrons between atoms are equally shared. a) Nonpolar Covalent Bond b) Polar Covalent Bond  c) Ionic Bond d) Chemical Bond 8) It is one of the Types of Nucleosynthesis where the nuclear reactions occur, forming elements through collision of protons and neutrons forming isotopes of hydrogen. a) Big Bang Nucleosynthesis b) Stellar Nucleosynthesis c) Cosmic Nucleosynthesis d) Supernova Nucleosynthesis 9) It refers to the Science in the Middle Ages, known as a mixture of black magic and scientific knowledge and superstition. a) Physics b) Chemistry c) Alchemy d) Mysticism 10) He is a Greek Philosopher who stated that all matter including the four elements was composed of a basic building block called atom. a) Thales b) Anaximenes c) Heraclitus d) Leucippus 11) What happens when the atomic radius/size of an element decreases? a) The atomic number increases. b) The electronegativity increases. c) The number of protons decreases d) The amount of charge decreases. 12) What is the importance of Nucleosynthesis Era in cosmology? a) It represents the transition from radiation domination to matter domination. b) It explains the origin of heavy elements in the universe. c) It is the era of galaxy mergers and acquisitions. d) It marks the beginning of star formation. 13) How did Democritus contribute to the ancient views of Atom? a) He proposed that atoms are composed of four elements: earth, water, are and fire. b) He believed that atoms are constantly in motion and interact to form matter. c) He suggested that atoms are indivisible and exist in a void space. d) He discovered the electron within the atom through experiment research. 14) What is the alchemists' view of the concept of atomism during the Dark Age of Atomism? a) They rejected the atomism in favor of mystical explanations. b) They incorporated atomism into their philosophical and experimental pursuits. c) They believed atoms were evil and south to destroy them. d) They considered atomism irrelevant to their alchemical practices. 15) Ionic bonding happens when an element ________ electrons to another element. a) transfers b) shares c) hides d) decompose 16) Covalent bonding happens when an element ________ electrons to another element. a) transfers b) shares c) hides d) decompose 17) During Stellar Nucleosynthesis, how do stars generate energy through nuclear fusion? a) By converting hydrogen into helium through nuclear fusion reactions. b) By means of gravitational force and releasing stored energy. c) By absorbing light from surrounding stars and emitting it as electricity. d) By ejecting stellar material into space during a supernova explosion. 18) Which statement best describes the concept of Lewis Dot Structure? a) It shows the molecular mass of a compound. b) It represents the ionic charge of an atom. c) It illustrates the bonding and lone pairs of electrons in a molecule. d) It dictates the state of matter of a compound. 19) Which elements were primarily formed during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis? a) Heavier elements than iron b) Light elements like hydrogen, helium, and small traces of lithium. c) Radioactive elements like radium and polonium. d) Noble gases like helium and neon. 20) What is the difference of ionic bond and covalent bond? a) Ionic bonding: sharing of electrons, Covalent bonding: transfer of electrons b) Ionic bonding: similar electronegativities, Covalent bonding: different electronegativities c) Ionic bonding: transfer of electrons, Covalent bonding: sharing of electrons d) There is no difference between them. 21) What is the importance of applying the Octet Rule in drawing a Lewis Dot Structure for compounds? a) It ensures that atoms achieve a stable configuration by gaining or losing electrons. b) It dictates the total number of electrons an atom must share in a covalent bond. c) It governs the arrangement of atoms in a molecule to maximize stability.  d) It helps to predict the types of bonds atoms will form based on their electron configurations. . 22) The following are the Eras under Nucleosynthesis, except: a) Big Bang b) Stellar c) Super Nova d) Cosmic 23) The following are the first elements formed during the first three minutes of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis except: a) Hydrogen b) Beryllium c) Helium d) Lithium 24) The following are the particles/substances that are formed in Supernova Nucleosynthesis, except: a) Photons b) Neutrinos c) Antineutrinos d) Electrons 25) The following are the types of Bond Polarity, except: a) Polar Covalent b) Ionic c) Chemical Bond d) Nonpolar Covalent 26) According to Democritus, the following are the characteristics of an atom, except: a) Invisible because it’s extremely small. b) Indivisible because it cannot be broken down into smaller unit. c) Eternal because atoms are seamless. d) Measurable number of shapes. 27) The following are the main objectives of Alchemy, except: a) Discover cosmological relationship. b) Find Elixir of Life. c) Find the Philosopher’s Stone. d) Discover the composition of an atom. 28) The following pairs of elements can form an ionic compound, except:  a) Al and S b) Li and O c) Ca and S d) S and F 29) The following pairs of elements can form an ionic compound, except:  a) Ba and F   b) Li and P c) N and O d) Mg and N 30) The following pairs of elements can form an ionic compound, except:  a) Na and S   b) P and Cl c) K and Br d) Al and Cl 31) The following pairs of elements can form a polar covalent bond, except: a) O and F b) O and F  c) Mg and Cl d) As and S 32) The following pairs of elements can form a polar covalent bond, except: a) Cl and O b) N and F c) Na and S d) S and F 33) The following pairs of elements can form a polar covalent bond, except: a) C and Cl b) Al and Cl c) P and Cl d) P and O 34) The following shows the uses of ionic compound in our everyday life, except: a) Carbon Dioxide as refrigerant. b) Sodium Chloride for food preparation. c) Aluminum Chloride for deodorants. d) Potassium Iodine for food supplement. 35) The following compounds are examples of non-polar covalent bond, except: a) H2 b) N2   c) CCl2 d) CaCl2 36) The following people believed that the primary components of matter may be either air, water, fire, earth, except: a) Thales b) Anaximenes c) Epicurus d) Heraclitus 37) The following are the four elements of matter according to Pythagoras, except: a) Water b) Air c) Land d) Earth 38) The following are the steps in drawing a Lewis Dot Structure of a compound, except: a) Count the total number of valence electron. b) Put the most electronegative element at the center, except hydrogen c) Put a pair of electron between atoms (elementss) to form chemical bond. d) Complete the octet rule on the outside atoms, except hydrogen. 39) The following elements belong in the same group, except: a) Carbon b) Silicon c) Nitrogen d) Germanium 40) The following pairs of elements form a covalent bond, except: a) C and O b) Fe and O c) C and Cl d) H and Cl 41) What is the importance of preserving the secrecy in Alchemy during the Dark Age of Atomism? a) It was necessary to protect valuable knowledge and prevent misuse by the uninitiated. b) It is enforced by religious authorities to suppress alchemical practices. c) It is preserved in order for the occults to continuously use them for personal motive. d) It is to respect Aristotle's belief that through Alchemy, the eight elements of matter are discovered. 42) What is the role of Nucleosynthesis (Big Bang and Stellar) in the formation of elements that are heavier than helium? a) Elements lighter than hydrogen are created during the Stellar Nucleosynthesis. b) Elements heavier than Iron are created during the Big Bang. c) Hydrogen and Oxygen were the only elements made during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. d) It primarily produced elements up to iron, while heavier elements than iron were formed in the supernova explosions. 43) What is the difference between Aristotle and Democritus' view regarding the nature of matter? a) Democritus: matter is continuously and infinitely divisible, Aristotle: matter consist of discrete, indivisible particles b) Aristotle: matter is continuously and infinitely divisible, Democritus: matter consist of discrete, indivisible particles. c) They both believed in the existence of atoms. They only differed in explaining the atomic motion and model. d) Aristotle: smallest particle of an element is atom, Democritus: smallest particle of a compound is atom 44) Lewis Dot Structure consists of: a) electronegativity differences. b) atomic mass, atomic number, and electronegativity. c) element symbols surrounded by dots or dashes to represent the valence electrons. d) dashes up to four layers. 45) What happens in a hydrogen fusion? a) A new isotope of hydrogen is formed, as well as helium. b) When a proton is added to a hydrogen, oxygen is formed. c) When an electron is added to a hydrogen, helium is formed. d) When an electron is removed to a hydrogen, helium is formed. 46) What happens in a helium fusion? a) When helium combines with nitrogen, it forms heavier elements such as lithium. b) When helium combines with oxygen, it forms heavier elements such as lithium. c) When a neutron helium combines with hydrogen, it forms heavier elements such as lithium. d) When helium combines with hydrogen, it forms heavier elements such as lithium. 47) What is the general purpose of Octet Rule? a) To make an element within a compound to attain stability by having 8 valence electrons. b) To make an element within a compound to attain stability by having 6 valence electrons. c) To make an element within a compound to attain radioactivity by having 8 valence electrons. d) To make an element within a compound to attain reactivity by having 6 valence electrons. 48) These are the electrons located in the outermost shell/orbit of an atom. a) super electrons b) valence electrons c) valance electrons d) outer electrons 49) What is the function of valence electrons of an element within a compound? a) They can be only shared to other elements. b) They can be only transferred to other elements c) It does not participate in the formation of chemical bond. d) They can be transferred or shared with other elements, and they participate in the formation of chemical bond. 50) What is the relationship between the group number and the number of valence electrons of an element? a) As the group number increases, the number of valence electrons remains constant. b) As the group number increases, the number of valence electrons increases. c) As the group number increases, the number of valence electrons decreases. d) As the group number decreases, the number of valence electrons increases. 51) It is a mythical material that alchemists pursue, believing that it can transform based materials such as iron and lead into gold. a) Alchemist's Stone b) Chemist's Stone c) Scientist's Stone d) Philosopher's Stone 52) This is the material that alchemists sought to create, believing that it would make their life eternal. a) Hemlock b) Elixir of Life c) Phoenix's Tears d) Dragon Cry 53) It is the fifth element in Alchemy where it is believed that it can change a substance into another substance. a) Dualescence b) Quintessence c) Multi-essence d) Chemical Essence 54) It refers to the tendency of an atom to attract shared pair of electrons. a) Ionization Energy b) Electronegativity c) Valence Electron d) Electron Affinity 55) A compound is considered a polar covalent bond if its electronegativity difference is:  a) ≤ 0.4 b) ≥ 1.8 c) between 0.5 and 1.7 d) 2.0 56) A compound is considered a nonpolar covalent bond if its electronegativity difference is:  a) ≤ 0.4 b) ≥ 1.8 c) between 0.5 and 1.7 d) 2.0 57) A compound is considered an ionic bond if its electronegativity difference is:  a) ≤ 0.4 b) ≥ 1.8 c) between 0.5 and 1.7 d) 2.0 58) He is a Greek philosopher who stated that water was the primary component of all matter in both the synthesis during life and decomposition after death. a) Leucippus b) Aristotle c) Heraclitus d) Thales 59) He is a Greek philosopher who stated that fire was the primary component of all matter in both the synthesis during life and decomposition after death. a) Leucippus b) Aristotle c) Heraclitus d) Thales 60) He is a Greek philosopher who stated that air was the primary component of all matter in both the synthesis during life and decomposition after death. a) Leucippus b) Anaximenes c) Heraclitus d) Thales 61) He is a Greek philosopher who supported the Pythagorean view of atoms and added that matter, including the four elements are infinitely divisible. a) Leucippus b) Aristotle c) Heraclitus d) Thales 62) The composition of the universe consists of: a) 73% Hydrogen; 25% Helium; 2% other elements b) 77% Hydrogen; 21% Helium; 2% other elements c) 25% Hydrogen; 73% Helium; 2% other elements d) 95% Hydrogen; 3% Helium; 2% other elements 63) If you will draw the LEDS for CO2, how many electron pairs (bonded pairs) will be present? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 6 64) What process caused the formation of helium from hydrogen during the Nucleosynthesis era? a) A nuclear fusion in the cores of stars. b) A nuclear fusion outside the stars. c) Electromagnetic radiation emitted by the stars. d) Supernova explosions. 65) If you will draw the LEDS for CO2, how many lone electron pairs (non-bonded pairs) will be present? a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3 66) A neutral atom of oxygen has __ valence electrons. a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 67) This element belongs to Group 4, Period 3. a) Si b) Ga c) Ge d) As 68) This element belongs to Group 7, Period 3. a) Al b) Br c) Cl d) Mg 69) This element belongs to Group 4, Period 5. a) Sn b) Ti c) Pb d) Ge 70) This element is used by an alchemist to study the transmutation of elements and claimed to have changed gold into this element. a) Sulfur b) Lead c) Iron d) Mercury 71) When Na bonds with Cl, a) an ionic bond is formed. b) a covalent bond is formed. c) a metallic bond is formed. d) a polar covalent bond is formed. 72) Which of the following elements has the highest electronegativity? a) B b) C c) N d) F 73) What type of bond is formed in CO2? a) Ionic Bond b) Polar covalent Bond c) Nonpolar covalent Bond d) Metallic Bond 74) Which of the following pairs of elements have higher electronegativity difference? a) H and Cl b) Cl and Cl c) H and H d) H and F 75) How will you compare the bond strength of ionic, covalent, and metallic bond to each other? a) Metallic bonding is weaker than covalent bonding, but stronger than ionic bonding. b) Metallic bonding is the weakest; followed by ionic bonding and covalent bonding. c) Metallic bonding is as strong as ionic bonding; covalent bonding is the weakest. d) Metallic bonding is stronger than covalent bonding, but weaker than ionic bonding. 76) Choose the best answer: what is the impact of alchemy on the development of modern Chemistry? a) Alchemy contributed valuable knowledge and techniques that laid the groundwork for the emergence of modern chemistry. b) Alchemy was a superstitious pseudoscience that hindered scientific progress and delayed the advancement of chemistry. c) Alchemy had no significant impact on the development of modern chemistry, as it was based on flawed principles and mystical beliefs. d) Alchemy was a precursor to modern chemistry but was ultimately overshadowed by more rigorous scientific methodologies. 77) How will you describe the electronegativity trend among the halogen group elements (F, Cl, Br, I, etc.)? a) Electronegativity decreases as atomic number increases. b) Electronegativity increases as atomic number increases c) Electronegativity remains constant across the halogen group.  d) Electronegativity is inversely proportional to atomic mass. 78) How did the supernova explosions contribute in the formation of elements? a) Supernova explosions primarily produce light elements like hydrogen and helium, making them less significant in the formation of heavy elements. b) Supernova explosions are crucial for the formation of heavy elements beyond iron, as they provide the energy required for nucleosynthesis processes. c) Supernova explosions occur exclusively in white dwarf stars and have minimal impact on the formation of elements in the universe.. d) Supernova explosions are rare events that only occur in young stars and have little relevance to the origin of elements. 79) Where does the strength of the ionic bond or covalent bond of a compound depend? a) The strength depends on how the electrons were shared between elements. b) It depends on the type of chemical bond, not on the bond distance/length and energy. c) It depends on the bond distance/length and energy, not on the type of chemical bond. d) It depends whether the compound consists of hydrogen or not. 80) How will you describe the impact of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis on the elemental composition of the universe? a) Big Bang Nucleosynthesis produced only hydrogen and helium, leaving the universe devoid of heavier elements. b) Big Bang Nucleosynthesis laid the foundation for the formation of all elements in the universe, including the light elements hydrogen and helium. c) Big Bang Nucleosynthesis is responsible for the synthesis of heavy elements like gold and uranium, which are essential for the formation of rocky planets. d) Big Bang Nucleosynthesis has no significant impact on the elemental composition of the universe, as it occurred too early in cosmic history. 81) What is the importance of understanding valence electrons in predicting the chemical properties of elements? a) Understanding valence electrons helps predict the reactivity and bonding behavior of elements, as it determines how atoms will interact with each other. b) Valence electrons have no bearing on the chemical properties of elements, as they are located in the innermost electron shell. c) The number of valence electrons has a minimal impact on the chemical properties of elements, as other factors such as atomic mass play a more significant role. d) Valence electrons are only relevant in predicting the physical properties of elements, not their chemical behavior. 82) The following are exceptions to the Octet Rule, except: a) when there are too few valence electrons (incomplete Octet Rule). b) when there are too many valence electrons (expanded Octet Rule).) c) when atoms lose or gain electrons to achieve stability. d) When the total number of valence electrons is an odd number. 83) How did the Stellar Nucleosynthesis contribute in the formation of elements heavier than iron? a) Stellar nucleosynthesis is responsible for the production of all elements in the universe, including those heavier than iron. b) Stellar Nucleosynthesis only produced elements from beryllium to iron. They were formed through supernova explosions and neutron capture processes. c) Stellar Nucleosynthesis primarily synthesizes light elements like hydrogen and helium. d) Stellar nucleosynthesis is limited to the production of helium and carbon. 84) How will you describe the impact of ancient views of atom on scientific progress? a) The ancient views of atom hindered scientific progress by promoting mystical explanation of matter. b) The ancient views of atom laid the foundation for modern atomic theory by inspiring further investigation and experimentation. c) The ancient views of atom were completely disregarded by scientist until the advent of modern technology. d) The ancient views of atom were limited by the lack of empirical evidence and mathematical rigor.

Physical Science Reviewer for 2nd Semester Midterm Exam


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