1) She ____ a sandwich everyday in the morning. a) Eats b) Ate c) Eaten d) Eating e) Eat 2) My dog ____ to play after eating. a) Like b) Liked c) Likes d) Don't like e) Don't likes 3) They ____ the sunset at the beach. a) Enjoying b) Enjoy c) Enjoys d) Enjoyed e) Doesn't enjoy 4) Harry always ____ a cup of juice every morning before he working. a) Drunk b) Drank c) Drink d) Drinking e) Drinks 5) Juwita is a pianist. She ____ the piano beautifully. a) Played b) Playing c) Plays d) Doesn't play e) Play 6) I ____ go to market in the evening. But I go there in the morning. a) Doesn't b) Am c) Do d) Don't e) Is 7) Rudi and Anita ____ my childhood friends. They always ____ me a present every year for my birthday. a) Are - Gave b) Are - Give c) Is - Gave d) Is - Give e) Are - Gives 8) The class is very crowded because the students ____ very talkactive. a) Aren't b) Is c) Isn't d) Do e) Are 9) She ____ study German on Monday. She ____ English on that day. a) Don't - Studies b) Don't- Study c) Doesn't - Studies d) Doesn't - Studied e) Doesn't - Study 10) Ani has a new cat. The cat ____ black. a) Is b) Are c) Aren't d) Isn't e) Do 11) Tara, does Adi ____ tennis? No, he ____ football. a) Plays - Played b) Play - Played c) Plays - Plays d) Play - Plays e) Play - Playing 12) Rudi ____ so smart, and also he ____ a very kind person.  a) Are - Is b) Is - Is c) Is - Are d) Isn't - Is e) Is - Isn't 13) ____ you know how to cook fried rice? a) Does b) Do c) Don't d) Are e) Doesn't 14) Mary ____ her teeth twice a day.  a) Brushes b) Brushing c) Brushed d) Don't brush e) Don't brushes 15) My father ____ good English. a) Doesn't spoke b) Don't speak c) Doesn't speak d) Don't speaks e) Doesn't speaks 16) Mary goes to the restaurant every weekend. Her favorite food ____ spaghetti. a) Are b) Isn't c) Aren't d) Is e) Does 17) My mom ____ a teacher. She ____ at the school every Tuesday and Wednesday. a) Is - Teaches b) Are - Taught c) Are - Teaches d) Is - Taught e) Are - Teacher 18) ____ you have a brother? Yes I have a brother. His name ____ Anto. a) Does - Is b) Don't - Are c) Don't - Is d) Do- Are e) Do - Is 19) She doesn't ____ Peter everyday. a) Saw b) Seen c) See d) Seeing e) Sees 20) Yuni always ____ to bring her wallet. a) Forgets b) Forgot c) Forget d) Forgotten e) Forgetting

Present Tense


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