1) 301.?Find the noun that goes with “child” to make a compound noun. a) =prodigy b) =writer c) =lamp d) =box 2) 302.?Find the noun that goes with “car” to make a compound noun. a) =manufacturer b) =writer c) =back d) =prodigy 3) 303.?Find the noun that goes with “desk” to make a compound noun. a) =lamp b) =writer c) =car d) =prodigy 4) 304.?Find the noun that goes with “song” to make a compound noun. a) =writer b) =box c) =lamp d) =prodigy 5) 305.?Find the noun that goes with “Phone” to make a compound noun. a) =box b) =writer c) =lamp d) =prodigy 6) 306.?Find the noun that goes with “film” to make a compound noun. a) =poster b) =car c) =lamp d) =prodigy 7) 307. ?What do you call the person who is in charge of a school? a) =principal b) =writer c) =director d) =instructor 8) 308.?What should you put on when you in a car? a) =seat-belt b) =belt c) =paper d) =prodigy 9) 309.?Linda has never gotten in touch with you, …? a) =has she  b) =does Linda c) =hasn’t she d) =doesn’t she 10) 310.?Paul never comes to class on time, …? a) =does he  b) =doesn’t he c) =did he d) =didn’t he 11) 311.?There’s a mistake, …? a) =isn’t there  b) =doesn’t they c) =isn’t it d) =aren’t they 12) 312.?The answer isn’t right, …? a) =is it  b) =are they c) =isn’t it d) =is the answer 13) 313.?You haven’t lived here long, …? a) =have you  b) =did you c) =didn’t you d) =haven’t you 14) 314.?We didn’t write those letters, …? a) =did we b) =don’t we c) =do we d) =does she 15) 315.?Mark went to Paris yesterday, …? a) =didn’t he b) =didn’t Mark c) =did Mark d) =did he 16) 316.?I’m very late , …? a) =aren’t I b) =will you c) =shall we d) =am I 17) 317.?I’m not stupid, ______________________? a) =am I b) =am not I c) =aren’t I d) =don’t I 18) 318.?These burgers look good, …? a) =don’t they  b) =don’t these c) =doesn’t it d) =didn’t they 19) 319.?Find out the most suitable words for the given definitions.…are police officer who investigates crime a) =detectives  b) =witnesses c) =victims d) =murderer 20) 320.?Find out the most suitable words for the given definitions.… are people who see something and then tell everything to the police a) =witnesses  b) =solve c) =evidence d) =prove 21) … are people who are hurt or killed by somebody in a crime a) =victims  b) =witnesses c) =prove d) =solve 22) … is a person who kills others deliberately a) =murderer b) =prove c) =solve d) =victim 23) … is the crime of killing somebody illegally and deliberately a) =murder  b) =evidence c) =suspect d) =solve 24) … is the fact, signs, which tell you who committed the crime a) =evidence  b) =solve c) =murderer d) =prove 25) … are people who are thought to be guilty of crime a) =suspects  b) =solve c) =prove d) =victim 26) … is to find the correct answer to why something happened a) =solve  b) =evidence c) =victim d) =murder 27) … is to use facts evidence to show that something is true a) =prove b) =evidence c) =witness d) =suspect 28) One of the greatest unsolved … mysteries of all time is that of Jack the Ripper. a) =murder  b) =victim c) =solve d) =prove 29) 329.?In the autumn of 1888 a brutal … walked the dark, foggy street of Whitechapel. a) =murderer  b) =detective c) =suspect d) =policeman 30) 330.?The … were all women and the police seemed powerless to stop the murders. a) =victims  b) =prove c) =murder d) =solve 31) 331.?There was no … to the crimes, so the police had no idea what the murderer looked like a) =evidence  b) =victims c) =police d) =solution 32) 332.?Find the most suitable question fort the answer below. I collect old tea cups. a) =What is your name? b) =What is your hobby? c) =What do you like to listen? d) =How do you spend your weekends? 33) 333.?Find the most suitable question fort the answer below. I am going to New York next weekend. a) =Where are you going next week? b) =What is your job? c) =Are you going? d) =Who are you going with? 34) 334.?Find the most suitable question fort the answer below. Someone stole my bike yesterday. a) =What happened yesterday? b) =What did you buy yesterday? c) =Where did you go? d) =Did find the thief? 35) 335.?Find the most suitable question fort the answer below. My dog can open the kitchen door by himself. a) =What can your dog do himself? b) =Can he drive a car? c) =Can your dog swim? d) =What can you do? 36) 336.?Find the most suitable question fort the answer below. I have just won $ 2000 in a lottery. a) =How much did you win in a lottery? b) =Are you happy to be a winner? c) =Who is millionaire? d) =Where did you buy a lottery? 37) 337.?Agatha Chr337.?Agatha Christie is the most famous … novel writer.istie is the most famous … novel writer. a) =detective  b) =romantic c) =comedy d) =tragedy 38) 338.?Find out the synonym for the word fortune a) =chance  b) =unhealthy c) =misfortune d) =enhance 39) 339.?Don’t be frightened of the dog. He won’t … a) =bite b) =clap c) =kick d) =nod 40) 340.?Jason … the ball too hard and it went over the wall into the next garden. a) =kicked b) =bit c) =clapped d) =nodded 41) 341.?Mmm! Something … delicious! Are you making a cake? a) =smells b) =kicks c) =bites d) =claps 42) 342.?The stranger … at me for a long time, but he didn’t say anything. a) =had been staring b) =had been kicking c) =had been smelling d) =staring 43) 343.?Can you … the sauce? I’m not sure if it needs more salt. a) =taste b) =kick c) =clap d) =stare 44) 344.?My dog always comes back when I … a) =whistle b) =kick c) =stare d) =taste 45) 345.?Don’t … the oven door! It’s really hot. a) =touch b) =kick c) =stare d) =clap 46) 346.?The audience … when I finished singing. a) =clapped b) =kicked c) =whistled d) =tasted 47) 347.?The teacher suddenly … at me and said, “What is the answer?” I hadn’t even heard the question! a) =pointed b) =kicked c) =started d) =tasted 48) 348.?He’s a very serious person – he never … a) =smiles b) =points c) =tastes d) =kicks 49) 349.?Everybody … in agreement when I explained my idea. a) =nodded b) =tasted c) =whistled d) =kicked 50) 350.?One of the two long parts of your body with your hands at the end is a/an … a) =arm b) =back c) =chin d) =ear 51) 351.?The part of your body between your neck and your bottom, on the opposite side to your chest and stomach is a/an … a) =back b) =arm c) =chin d) =ear 52) 401.?The movie … we watched last night was really entertaining a) =which b) =where c) =who 53) 353.?One of the two parts at the sides of your head that you hear with is a/an … a) =ear b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 54) 354.?One of the two body parts in your face that you use for seeing is a/an … a) =eye b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 55) 355.?The front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and mouth are is a/an … a) =face b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 56) 356.?The part of your body at the end of your leg, on which you stand is a/an … a) =foot b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 57) 357.?Your … are the long thin parts on the end of your hands. a) =fingers b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 58) 358.?The part of your body at the end of each arm that you use for picking up and holding things is a/an … a) =hand b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 59) 359.?The top part of your body that has your brain, eyes, mouth etc in it is a/an … a) =head b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 60) 360.?The part in the middle of your leg, where it bends is a/an ... a) =knee b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 61) 361.?One of the two parts of your body to which your feet are attached is a/an … a) =leg b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 62) 362.?One of the two edges that form the top and bottom parts of your mouth is a/an … a) =lip b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 63) 363.?The part of your face below your nose that you use to eat and speak is a/an … a) =mouth b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 64) 364.?The part of the body that joins the head to the rest of the body is a/an … a) =neck b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 65) 365.?The part of your face above your mouth that you use for smelling and breathing is a/an … a) =nose b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 66) 366.?One of the two parts of your body between your neck and the top of your arms is a/an … a) =shoulder b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 67) 367.?The soft part at the front of your body between your chest and your legs is a/an ... a) =stomach b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 68) 368.?One of the hard white objects inside your mouth that you use for biting and for chewing food is a/an … a) =tooth b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 69) 369.?The part at the side of your hand that is like a wide finger is a/an … a) =thumb b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 70) 370.?One of the five individual parts at the end of your foot is a/an ... a) =toe b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 71) 371.?The long soft piece of flesh fixed to the bottom of your mouth that you use for tasting, speaking etc is a/an … a) =tongue b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 72) 372.?A school for children between the ages of four or five and eleven is a/an … a) =primary school b) =secondary school c) =degree d) =head 73) 373.?A course of study at a university, or the qualification that you get after completing the course is a/an … a) =degree b) =secondary school c) =school d) =head 74) 374.?A teacher who is in charge of a school is a/an … a) =head teacher b) =arm c) =chin d) =back 75) 375.?A school for children between the ages of three and five is a/an … a) =nursery school b) =secondary school c) =school d) =head 76) 376.?A school in which most or all of the students live during the part of the year that they go to lessons is a/an … a) =boarding school b) =secondary school c) =degree d) =head 77) 377.?A school providing education that the children’s parents pay for directly is a/an … a) =private school b) =boarding school c) =secondary school d) =degree 78) 378.?Someone, especially a child, who goes to school or who has lessons in a particular subject is a/an … a) =pupil b) =secondary school c) =degree d) =head 79) 379.?A school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18 is a/an … a) =secondary school b) =private school c) =boarding school d) =degree 80) 380.?In the UK, a school that is supported with money from the government and that provides a free education for children is a/an … a) =state school b) =private school c) =boarding school d) =degree 81) 381.?Someone who goes to a university, college, or school is a/an … a) =student b) =degree c) =pupil d) =head teacher 82) 382.?One of the periods of time into which the year is divided for students is a/an … a) =term b) =degree c) =head master d) =school 83) 383.?What is the primary purpose of universities? a) =education b) =socializing c) =entertainment d) =shopping 84) 384.?In which place can students often find a variety of books and academic resourses? a) =library b) =gym c) =cafeteria d) =dormitory 85) 385.?When are students allowed not to attend regular classes, typically during the summer? a) =vacation b) =recess c) =break d) =semester 86) 386.?What is the term for financial assistance provided to studetns to help cover the cost of their education? a) =scholarship b) =salary c) =stipend d) =commission 87) 387.?Which academic degree is typically awarded for completing a bachelor’s program? a) =Bachelor’s degree b) =Master’s degree c) =Assosiate degree d) =Doctrorate 88) 388.?You are happy, …? a) =aren’t you b) =isn’t you c) =is it d) =are you 89) 389.?She can swim, …? a) =can’t she b) =can she c) =she can d) =she can’t 90) 390.?They will come on time, …? a) =won’t they b) =do they c) =did they d) =they will 91) 391.?He has a pet dog, …? a) =doesn’t he b) =isn’t he c) =is he d) =does he 92) 392.?She doesn’t like pizza, …? a) =does she b) =she does c) =doesn’t she d) =she doesn’t 93) 393.?The person … called you yesterday wants to meet you. a) =who b) =which c) =where d) =why 94) 394.?I know a girl … brother is a famous actor a) =whose b) =where c) =who d) =which 95) 395.?This is the book … I was telling you about a) =which b) =who c) =where d) =why 96) 396.?The restaurant … we had dinner last night was excellent a) =where b) =who c) =why d) =which 97) 397.?The car … was parked in front of my house has a flat tire a) =which b) =who c) =whoes d) =where 98) 398.?The student … bag was stolen reported it to the police a) =whose b) =which c) =where d) =why 99) 399.?We visited the museum … is known for its impressive art collection a) =which b) =who c) =whose d) =why 100) 400.?I remember the day … we first met. a) =when b) =where c) =who d) =whose

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