immersive imaging - 360-degree photographic view of a crime scene, resolution - fineness of image detail (measured in pixels), pixel - smallest unit of a digital image, megapixel - a million dots making up a digital image, PPI - pixels per inch, overlapping - photographic technique whereby an entire scene is photographed in successive images, marker - item included in a photograph to show relative size, forensic photogrammetry - technique of extrapolating 3-D measurements from 2-D photos, trap photography - photos that prove an incident occurred, Pictometry - computer technology using aerial shots resulting in a high-resolution 3-D image of an object, microphotography - taking pictures through a microscope, macrophotography - photographic enlargement of a subject to show details of evidence, laser-beam photography - an imaging process that reveals evidence indiscernible to the naked eye, ultraviolet-light photography - uses the low end of the color spectrum to make impressions visible, mug shots - photographs of those who have been taken onto custody and booked, rogue's gallery - mug shots gathered in files and displayed in groups,

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