1) Earth´s solar system is a part of the  a) constellation b) inner planets c) Milky way 2) A group of starts that make a picture is a  a) fire ball b) comet c) constellation 3) A planet´s full orbit around the sun is called a a) comet b) year c) constellation 4) The closest star to earth is the a) sun b) orion c) arcturus d) antares 5) The only planet that is designed for life is a) uranus b) neptune c) earth d) mars 6) The planets farhest from the sun , jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune are know as the a) inner planets b) outer planets c) constallations d) heavenly bodies 7) The largest planet in our solar system is a) saturn b) neptune c) venus d) jupiter 8) The planets closest to the sun _ mercury,venus,earth,mars are know as the a) inner planets b) small planets c) outer planets d) nearest planets 9) the continual path one heavenly body has around another a) pathway b) axis c) axle d) orbit 10) the sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit it is a) milky way galaxy b) solar system c) antares 11) a large heavenly body that orbit a star a) continent b) star c) planet d) comet 12) the imaginary line at which earth continually spins, or rotate a) wheel and axle b) axis c) equator line 13) the outer planets that are made mostly of gases  a) gas giants b) farhest planets c) orbit d) none of these 14) a heavenly body that is a giant ball of hot, glowing gas a) fire ball b) North star c) star d) gas planet 15) a spacecraft where scientist live and work while orbiting earth a) jet b) comet c) space station 16) a heavenly body that orbits a planet a) gray star b) moon c) crater d) asteroid 17) length of time given by earth´s orbit around the sun a) year b) tether c) sundial 18) a person who travels in outer space a) space probe b) asteroid c) astronaut d) space man 19) a hole on the surface of the moon a) asteroid b) tether c) crater 20) a large piece of rock that orbits the sun a) crater b) comet c) asteroid 21) the phase of the moon in which you cannot see the moon at all a) new moon b) full moon c) crescent moon 22) type of rope that keeps astronauts from floating into space a) rubber rope b) tether c) space rope 23) a tool that tells time by using the sun a) sundial b) sun watch 24) Earth´s moon is a natural satellite of Earth a) True b) false 25) The ocean tides are caused by the moon´s gravity a) false b) true 26) The side of Earth which faces the sun has night ? a) true b) false 27) The moon is bright in the night sky because it absorbs the sun´s light ? a) true b) false 28) When all of the moon is visible, it is called a full moon a) true b) false 29) If less than half of the moon is visible, it is called a crescent moon ? a) true b) false

quizzes 4-5 third grade

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