Facia - connects muscle to muscle, tendon - connects muscle to bone, voluntary - muscle controlled by human, involuntary - muscle controlled by brain, 640 - how many muscle there are, deltoid - muscle in a triangle shape, serratus - muscle in a saw-toothed shape, trapezius - muscle in a trapezoid shape, rhomboideus - muscle in a diamond shape, smooth muscle - found in internal organs, skeletal muscle - attached to bones, cardiac muscle - found only in the heart, gluteus maximus - largest muscle, skeletal and nervous system - systems that work with muscular system, oblique - muscle fibers run diagonal to midline, rectus - muscle fibers run parallel to midline, tranverse - muscle fibers run perpendicular to midline, orgin - muscle attached to immovable bone, insertion - muscle attached to movable bone,

Muscular System Exam Review

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