1) adjectives are a) open class b) closed class 2) are adjectives easy to identify in isolation? a) no b) yes 3) 1st = a) absolute b) comparative c) superlative 4) 2nd = a) absolute b) comparative c) superlative 5) 3rd = a) absolute b) comparative c) superlative 6) Most adjectives can be both attributive and predicative but some are either attributive only or predicative only. a) true b) false 7) adjectives are ________________ when they premodify nouns a) attributive b) predicative c) postpositive 8) the beautiful painting a) attributive b) predicative c) postpositive 9) Your daughter is pretty. a) predicative SC b) predicative OC c) attributive d) postpositive 10) He made his wife happy. a) predicative OC b) predicative SC c) attributive d) postpositive 11) The adjective functioning as ___________ complement often expresses the result of the process denoted by the verb (He pushed the window open) a) object b) subject 12) He pushed the window open. a) predicative OC b) predicative SC c) attributive d) postpositive 13) A(n) ____________ adjective can usually be regarded as a reduced relative clause. a) atrributive b) predicative c) postposed 14) __________________ adjectives follow the item they modify a) postpositive b) attributive c) predicative 15) Indefinite pronouns ending in –body, -one, -thing, -where can be modified only a) by postpositive adj. b) by attributive adj. c) by predicative adj. 16) I want to try on something larger. a) postpositive b) attributive c) predicative 17) Can adjectives function as heads of noun phrases? a) yes b) no 18) central adjectives = a) majority b) minority c) attributive d) predicative 19) adjectives that are most like verbs and adverbs; they tend to refer to condition rather than to characterize a) predicative only b) attributive only c) both 20) in general these adjectives do not characterize the referent of the noun directly (= non-inherent) a) attributive only b) predicative only c) both 21) non-inherent adj. = a) do not characterize the referent of the noun directly b) characterize the referent of the noun directly 22) inherent adj. = a) characterize the referent of the noun directly b) do not characterize the referent of the noun directly 23) most adjectives beginning with a- are: a) predicative only b) attributive only c) both 24) adj. referring to health or lack of health are typically a) predicative only b) attributive only c) both 25) faint, ill, well, unwell a) predicative only b) attributive only c) both 26) afraid, alert, alike, alive, alone, ashamed, awake, aware a) predicative only b) attributive only c) both 27) restrictive adj. = a) predicative only b) attributive only c) both 28) adjectives with emotional contents (the poor boy, my dear aunt) a) attributive only b) predicative only c) both 29) adjectives related to adverbs (inner, outer, upper, lower, former, latter elder, lesser) a) attributive only b) predicative only c) both 30) an old friend - does not imply that the person is old, old refers to the friendship a) attributive only b) predicative only c) both 31) adjectives are characteristically ____________ a) stative b) dynamic 32) SEMANTIC SUBCLASSIFICATION OF ADJECTIVES a) stative / dynamic b) inherent / non-inherent c) gradable / non-gradable d) attributive/predicative 33) _____________ adj. denote a state or condition, which may generally be considered permanent a) stative b) dynamic 34) _____________ adj. denote attributes which are, to some extent at least, under the control of the one who posses them a) dynamic b) stative 35) _________ adj. cannot be used with the progressive aspect or the imperative a) stative b) dynamic 36) _________ adj. can be used with the progressive aspect or the imperative a) dynamic b) stative 37) gradable adj. = a) adjectives that convey a gradable quality b) adjectives expressing an absolute quality or material or relational adjectives 38) non-gradable adj. = a) adjectives expressing an absolute quality or material or relational adjectives b) adjectives that convey a gradable quality 39) wise, similar a) gradable adj. b) non-gradable adj. 40) blind, wooden, annual, spatial a) non-gradable adj. b) gradable adj. 41) SYNTACTIC SUBCLASSIFICATION OF ADJECTIVES a) attributive/predicative b) stative/dynamic c) inherent / non-inherent d) gradable / non-gradable 42) adjectives expressing an absolute quality or material (blind, wooden) or relational adjectives ( annual, spatial) a) non-gradable b) gradable 43) brave, calm, funny, good, noisy, rude a) stative b) dynamic 44) white, tall, round, wooden a) stative b) dynamic 45) Your driving is worse/worst than mine. a) worse b) worst 46) It’s the less/lesser of two evils a) less b) lesser 47) Have you heard the last/latest news? a) last b) latest 48) We have no further/farther information. a) further b) farther 49) Jane Somers writes good/well. a) good b) well 50) His latest/last words were: ‘The end’. a) latest b) last 51) This is the town’s oldest/eldest house. a) oldest b) eldest 52) Use _____1)_______ only when you are referring to distance, literal or figurative. Use ____2)______ only to mean “more” a) 1) farther b) 2) further c) 1) further d) 2) farther 53) ______1)_______ are used only of persons, while _______2)________ can be used of both persons and things: a) 1) elder/eldest b) 2) older/oldest c) 1) older/oldest d) 2) elder/eldest



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