: acrophobia: fear of heights, aerophobia: fear of flying, aquaphobia: fear of water, astraphobia: fear of storms, claustrophobia: fear of closed spaces, dentophobia: fear of going to the dentist, enochlophobia: fear of crowds, glossophobia: fear of public speaking, hemophobia: fear of blood, iatrophobia: fear of doctors, mysophobia (germophobia): fear of contamination, nosocomephobia: fear of hospitals, zoophobia: fear of animals, philophobia: fear of love, katsaridaphobia: fear of roaches,

لوحة الصدارة

البطاقات العشوائية قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.

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