: How often do you dip into new genres? What genres have you tried recently?, Do you prefer to flip through or thumb through books before reading them? Why?, Have you ever had to read up on a specific topic for school or work? What was it about?, How do you feel when you soak up the atmosphere of a library or bookstore?, Describe a book that you felt was a real page-turner. What made it so engaging?, Talk about a character from a book you could read like a book. Why were they so transparent?, Have you ever had to get through a particularly challenging book? How did you manage it?, Share a story where the plot thickened and made the book more exciting., Do you think it's important to read between the lines when reading? Why or why not?, Have you ever been in someone's good books because of a book recommendation? Explain., Discuss a time when you followed instructions by the book while working on a project or assignment., What do you think about people who cook the books? How should they be punished?,

B2. Idioms and Phrasal verbs: Speaking Cards

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