1) The artist _______ painted this mural is known for his unique style. a) whom b) whose c) who d) who's e) None of the above 2) ______ the new policy will affect is still being debated. a) Whom b) Whose c) Who d) Who's e) None of the above 3) Do you know _______ responsibility it is to complete the project on time? a) whom b) whose c) who d) who's e) None of the above 4) ______ the teacher is discussing is not clear to the students. a) Whom b) Whose c) Who d) Who's e) None of the above 5) The professor _______ lecture you missed is rescheduled for next week. a) whom b) whose c) who d) who's e) None of the above 6) If you have any questions about the test, please contact the person to _______ the report was sent. a) whom b) whose c) who d) who's  e) None of the above 7) _______ should I ask for help if I can't find my book? a) Whom b) Whose c) Who d) Who's e) None of the above 8) The company, _______ products are all eco-friendly, just won an award. a) whom b) whose c) who d) who's e) None of the above 9) She spoke with everyone, including those _______ she had never met before. a) whom b) whose c) who d) who's e) None of the above 10) Because of the heavy rain_ the soccer game was cancelled_ which disappointed all the players_ a) , , . b) , ; . c) ; , . d) , , ! 11) Where should the comma(s) be placed: Oil (1) which is lighter (2) than water (3) rises (4) to the surface. a) (1) b) (3) c) (1) and (3) d) (2) and (4) 12) Where should the comma(s) be placed: The sly (1) crafty (2) fox managed to trick the farmer (3) yet again. a) There is no need for commas b) (1) c) (3) d) (1) and (3) e) (2) and (3) 13) Where should the comma(s) be placed: Excuse me (1) sir (2) but the men's bathroom (3) is that way. a) There is no need for commas b) (1) and (2) c) (1) and (3) d) (1) , (2) , and (3) 14) Where should the comma(s) be placed: He asked (1) voice taut with fear (2) “Who’s there?” a) There is no need for commas b) (1) and (2) c) (1) d) (2) 15) Where should the comma(s) be placed: I met my friend (1) the one who lives in New York (2) for coffee (3) this morning. a) There is no need for commas b) (1) c) (2) d) (1) and (2) e) (1) , (2) , and (3) 16) Where should the comma(s) be placed: Before leaving the house (1) Mother instructed me (2) to wash the dishes (3) clean (4) the bathroom (5) vacuum (6) the living (7) room (8) and take out the trash. a) (1) , (3) , (5) , and (8) b) (1) , (3) , and (5) c) (3) , (5) , and (8)  d) (2) , (4) , and (6)  e) (2) , (4) , (6) and (8) 17) Where should the comma(s) be placed: Your handwriting (1) is sloppy (2) but your punctuation (3) is perfect. a) (1) b) (2) c) (3) d) (1) and (2) e) (1) and (3) 18) Where should the comma(s) be placed: Wading (1) into the cool lake (2) we found some relief (3) from the heat. a) (1) b) (1) and (2) c) (2) d) (2) and (3) 19) Where should the comma(s) be placed: Mother should be quite pleased (1) if we managed (2) to pull this off (3) I think. a) (1) b) (1) and (3) c) (2) d) (3) 20) Where should the comma(s) be placed: Max is a tall (1) strong boy (2) who always smiles (3) and greets (4) his neighbours. a) (1)  b) (2) and (3) c) (2) and (4)  d) (3) e) (4)

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