Reading and understanding medication labels - Maria has a new prescription from her doctor. She needs to know how many times a day to take her medication and whether to take it with food., Knowing when to visit a doctor - John feels sick and isn’t sure whether he should stay home, take medicine, or visit the doctor., Understanding food labels - Lisa is buying groceries and wants to choose a cereal that is low in sugar and high in fiber., Asking questions during a doctor’s visit - During his doctor’s visit, Adam doesn’t understand a medical term the doctor used. He wants to make sure he knows what it means., Identifying reliable health information online - Sarah finds conflicting information about a health condition on different websites. She wants to make sure the information she uses is accurate and reliable., Following instructions for taking medication - Chris was prescribed antibiotics and needs to know how to take them properly to avoid any side effects., Interpreting health insurance terms - Emma received a letter from her health insurance company and needs to understand what her coverage includes., Understanding basic health terms and conditions - Sam wants to know more about his diabetes diagnosis so he can manage it better., Making informed health decisions - Anna is deciding whether to get a flu shot this year. She weighs the benefits and risks based on her health history., Communicating health symptoms clearly - Jason feels a sharp pain in his chest and wants to clearly explain his symptoms to the nurse on the phone.,

Health Literacy


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