In the global economy, countries often adopt different strategies to manage their markets. Some countries embrace ____, which allows goods and services to move across borders with minimal restrictions. This approach is often associated with ____, where governments reduce or eliminate tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers to encourage international trade. On the other hand, some countries implement ____ to shield their domestic industries from foreign competition. This can involve ____ such as high tariffs or ____, which set limits on the amount of a product that can be imported. These measures are designed to protect local businesses and maintain ____ for domestic producers. Another strategy is the use of ____, which are financial aids provided by governments to local businesses to help them compete with foreign companies. While this can help industries grow, it may lead to trade disputes with other nations. In contrast, ____ involves removing government controls and restrictions from various sectors to increase market efficiency and encourage investment. This often leads to greater ____ as firms operate in a more open environment, potentially leading to improved innovation and lower prices for consumers. Countries must carefully balance these approaches to ensure they promote economic growth while protecting key industries. The choice between ____ and ____ reflects a nation's broader economic policy and its goals in the international trade arena.

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