1) Phil always ____ at seven o’clock. a) get up b) gets up c) get ups 2) ____ you always go to bed late?  a) Do b) Does c) Is 3) Tom and Bill ____ tennis every day. a) plays b) playing c) play 4) She ____ clean her room on Tuesdays. a) don't b) doesn't 5) Linda doesn’t ____ TV at night. a) watches b) watch 6) ____ Lucy and Karen often go to the library? a) Do b) Does 7) They ____ their homework every day. a) doing b) do c) does 8) They ____ clean their room on Sundays. a) aren't b) doesn't c) don't 9) ____ Fred go shopping every day? a) Does b) Do 10) She doesn't ____ to the park every day. a) go b) goes

Smiles4-Unit3-Simple present

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