1) Charlie will never own ... to having bitten his little sister. After all he really wants to receive some presents this Christmas.  a) down b) up c) in d) out e) back f) at 2) A: Oh dear! Is Santa Claus dead? B: No, he just passed ... the moment he went down the chimney. It must have been the fumes. a) away b) off c) on d) down e) out f) up 3) Oh, no! You've eaten all gingerbread cookies. I hope you'll be ... for it. a) on b) up c) in d) at e) out f) away 4) The elves didn't want to work during the pandemic, so they called Santa, told him to bite the ice and rang ... a) off b) out c) down d) away e) up f) in 5) Mummy, are you sure Santa is not ... with the COVID-19? Are you sure he'll bring me the presents? a) in b) over c) away d) out e) up f) down 6) My eyes clouded ... the moment I saw I had received another reindeer sweater.  a) off b) over c) up d) in e) out f) away 7) The whole misunderstanding with the presents boils ... to your illegible handwriting and unreadable letter to Santa. a) up b) down c) over d) under e) in f) off 8) It's high time you turned ... The sooner you fall asleep, the earlier you'll get up tomorrow to unwrap your Christmas presents. a) off b) on c) up d) in e) out f) down 9) We ate some delicious poppy seed cake and washed it ... with a lot of mulled wine. Yummy! a) off b) up c) down d) on e) away f) in 10) I'm not cut ... for cleaning before Christmas time. You should definitely either take someone on or pull your socks up right now. a) off b) on c) out d) up e) in f) down

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