1) There are ... CDs on the table.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 2) This is ... umbrella.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 3) There are ... plates in the dishwasher.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 4) There aren't ... people  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 5) He's got ... rabbit.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 6) There aren't ... children.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 7) There is ... cat.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 8) He hasn't got ... umbrella.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 9) There are ... eggs.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 10) I've got ... iPhone.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 11) There is ... elephant.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 12) I've got ... dictionary.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 13) There are ... kangaroos.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 14) There aren't ... cars.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 15) There's ... dog in the garden.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 16) There's ... egg.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 17) She's got ... guinea pig.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 18) This is ... apple.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 19) There's ... glass of water.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 20) There are ... cars.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME 21) There are ... apples.  a) AN b) ANY c) A d) SOME

QUIZ: Steps Plus - V - Unit 2 - My school - A/AN/SOME/ANY

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