Branch out - To expand or extend one’s interests, Carry on - To continue, Close down - To stop operating, Take off - To become successful or popular very fast, Call off - To cancel something, Deal with - To handle (a problem), Sort out - To organise or fix, Go under - To become bankrupt, Pull out - To move away from something or stop being involved in it, Burn out - To work too hard, so that you become completely stressed and exhausted, Measure up - To meet a particular requirement, standard, or expectation, Lay off - To stop employing someone because there is no work for them to do, Run (something) by/past (someone) - Ask someone for their opinion on an idea , Take on - To accept some work or responsibility; To start to employ someone, Chip in - To give some help , Push back/put off - to postpone/delay until a later date, Point out - To show something, Turn down - To say no to something (e.g. a job offer), comb through - To carefully look through an area or an item in an attempt to find someone or something.,

EC I4 M2 9A Business Phrasal Verbs

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