Shoot - The over ground part of a flowering plant is called the, Fibrous - Flowering plants have two main root types , tap and , Carrot - Which of the following have a tap root: Grass, onion or carrot, Meristem - What is the name of a plant tissue capable of mitosis, Differentiation - Name the zone of the root in which cells develop into different types of tisse, Node - Leaves emerge from the stem at a point called the, Lenticel - An opening in the stem for gas exchange is called a , Petiole - The stalk of a leaf is called the , Transpiration - The loss of water from the surface of the leaf is called , Dermal - The tissue that protects the plant, Vascular - What is the name of the tissue that is responsible for transport in the plant, Tracheids - Long tapered xylem cells whose insides are hollow at maturity, Pits - Used to allow sideways movement of water in xylem, Lignin - The chemical found in the walls of mature xylem that gives extra strength to the cell, Companion Cell - The name of the cell that controls the sieve tube cell in phloem, Sieve Plate - The porous end walls of a sieve tube cell is called , True - Monocots usually have parallel veins in their leaves; true or false, False - Dicot Plants have their floral parts in multiples of three; true or false,

Plant Structure Leaving Cert Biology


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