1) Which is the planet closest to the sun? a) Earth b) Venus c) Saturn d) Mercury e) Neptune f) Mars 2) Which is the furthest planet from the sun? a) Mercury b) Mars c) Neptune d) Uranus e) Pluto f) Earth 3) Which is the hottest planet? a) Mercury b) Venus c) Earth d) Mars e) Jupiter f) Saturn 4) Which is the coldest planet? a) Jupiter b) Saturn c) Uranus d) Neptune e) Pluto f) Mercury 5) Which planet is the biggest? a) Earth b) Saturn c) Jupiter d) Uranus e) Venus f) Neptune 6) Which planet is the smallest? a) Mars b) Mercury c) Venus d) Pluto e) Uranus f) Mars 7) How many planets are there in the solar system? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9 f) 10 8) What planet's nickname is the "Red Planet"? a) Venus b) Saturn c) Jupiter d) Mars e) Mercury f) Earth 9) Which planet was named after the goddess of love? a) Mars b) Venus c) Saturn d) Jupiter e) Mercury f) Neptune 10) Which planet is named as the "Ring Planet"? a) Jupiter b) Pluto c) Uranus d) Mercury e) Saturn f) Neptune

Solar System Science


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