1) In a lot of countries, there aren't _______ days when you can wear a traditional costume. a) many b) much c) any 2) However, for _____ lucky teenagers in Seville in Spain there are _____ days in April, during the April Fair.  a) lots of / much b) some / a few c) any / a few 3) They can put on costumes, dance and enjoy ____ hot chocolate with churros. a) some b) lots c) any 4) I've got a ____ of cousins. a) lot b) loads 5) We haven't got ____ time to make a costume. It isn't possible in ten minutes! a) many b) some c) much 6) She's got a ____ text messages from him. a) few b) loads c) any 7) How ____ material do you need? a) many b) any c) much 8) I'd like to buy ____ new shoes today. a) a few b) some c) much

EC B1 - Unit 4 - Quantifiers


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