1) What shape has 3 sides? a) square b) triangle c) circle d) oval e) star f) rectangle 2) What shape has 4 sides? a) square b) triangle c) circle d) oval e) star f) rectangle 3) What shape has 1 side? a) square b) triangle c) circle d) oval e) star f) rectangle 4) What shape is a TV screen? a) square b) circle c) triangle d) rectangle e) star f) oval 5) What shape is a plate? a) square b) circle c) triangle d) rectangle e) star f) oval 6) What shape is an egg? a) square b) circle c) triangle d) rectangle e) star f) oval 7) What shape has 4 sides that are all the same? a) square b) circle c) triangle d) rectangle e) star f) oval


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