1) When we use the present perfect? a) For actions that happened at a specified time b) For actions that happened at an unspecified time 2) How do we form the present perfect in the affirmative form? a) Subject+present of the verb have and the past participle of the main verb. b) Subject+present of the verb to be and the present simple of the main verb. c) Subject+present of the verb have and the simple past of the main verb. 3) We use yet: a) In interrogative and negative sentences b) In affermative sentencese 4) We use must for: a) Something that is obligatory  b) A self imposed necessity or obligation 5) Needn't expresses: a) Prohibtion b) Absence of obligation to do something 6) Mustn't expresses: a) Absence of obligation to do something b) Prohibition 7) I have ___________ an apple. a) ate b) eat c) eaten 8) I _______ an apple yesterday. a) ate b) eat c) eaten



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