1) which chores you have to do in your house? 2) which chores do you never do in your house? 3) which chores do you hate to do? 4) which would you prefer: to hoover all day or run a marathon? 5) which would you prefer: to sweep the floor in a public toilet or in your school? 6) which would you prefer: to do the cooking for President of Russia of Magda Gessler? 7) which would you prefer: to do the ironing every day for the rest of your life of stay at the desert island for a year? 8) Which would you prefer: to take out the rubbish every day or water your grandma's flowers twice a day? 9) would you prefer: sweep the floor in your classroom every day or do the cooking and cleaning in Billie Eilish house as a housewife?

small talk smash 2 u1chores


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