1) Management is essential for the organisations which are a) Non profit organisations b) Profit making organisations c) Social organisations d) Service organisations e) All of the above 2) Which of the following is not a feature of Management? a) Goal oriented b) Pervasive c) Tangible d) Dynamic e) Group activity 3) Which of the following is not an organisational objective of Management? a) Earning profit b) Providing free education to their employees' children c) Growth of business d) Survival 4) Which of the following is not a designation related to to top level management? a) Director b) President c) Chairman d) Production Manager 5) Which of the following is not a technique of scientific management? a) Science, not rule of thumb b) Motion study c) Functional foremanship d) Method study 6) Espirit de corps means a) Buyer beware b) Service is our motto c) Union is strength d) Proper arrangement 7) Which principle of management states that every subordinate should receive orders from only one superior at a time? a) Unity of direction b) Unity of command c) Initiative d) Order 8) Which of the following is not a part of business environment ? a) Customers b) Suppliers c) Competitors d) All of the above e) None of the above 9) Which of the following is primary function of management? a) Planning b) Organising c) Staffing d) Directing e) Controlling 10) In a company dealing in consumer products, the work is divided on the basis of functions namely production, purchase, marketing and human resources. Identify the type of organisational structure followed by the organisation. a) Formal organisational structure b) Informal organisational structure c) Functional structure d) Divisional structure 11) Which of the following is not an external source of recruitment? a) Campus recruitment b) Promotion c) Casual callers d) Direct recruitment 12) Under which of the following methods, the trainee learns by observing the master worker? a) Internship b) Induction c) Vestibule training d) Apprenticeship training 13) Which of the following is not an element of directing? a) Communication b) Control c) Leadership d) Supervision e) Motivation 14) Which of the following is highest level of need as per need hierarchy theory of Maslow? a) Basic physiological b) Safety c) Self actualization d) Affiliation e) Esteem 15) Which of the following is not an importance of controlling function? a) Ensures order and discipline b) Helps in judging accuracy of standards c) Improves employee motivation d) Restricts coordination 16) This decision is about the quantum of finance to be raised from various long-term sources. a) Investment decision b) Financing decision c) Dividend decision d) Capital budgeting decisions e) Working capital decision 17) Prohibiting insider trading comes under which function of SEBI ? a) Protective b) Regulatory c) Developmental d) None of the above 18) Which of the following is not a money market instrument? a) Certificate of deposit b) Commercial paper c) Call money d) Debenture 19) Which one of the following is not an element of marketing mix? a) Product b) Production c) Pricing d) Physical distribution e) Promotion 20) A district forum has jurisdiction to entertain consumer complaint involving product value a) Upto rupees 20 lakh b) Upto rupees 10 lakhs c) Between Rs 1 crores and Rs 10 crores d) Upto rupees 1 crore

Class 12 Business Studies


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