1) Which energy system has a recovery time of 20 minutes to 2 hours? a) ATP-Pcr b) Lactic Acid c) Aerobic 2) Which system acutely responds to exercise by increasing it's use of Creatine Phosphate to resynthesise ATP? a) ATP-Pcr b) Lactic Acid c) Aerobic 3) Which energy system produces Carbon Dioxide, Water & Heat as a waste product? a) ATP-Pcr b) Lactic Acid c) Aerobic 4) What intensity does the Lactic acid system function? a) 65-75% b) 75%-95% c) 95-100% 5) Which system produces 38 & 128 ATP? a) ATP-Pcr b) Lactic Acid c) Aerobic 6) What is used to identify which energy system(s) is/are working during different sports? a) Energy Overview b) Energy Balance c) Energy Continuum 7) What is the waste product of the ATP-Pcr System? a) Nothing b) Pyruvic Acid c) Lactic Acid 8) Which system produces a greater accumulation of lactic acid as it responds to exercise? a) Phosphogen b) Glycolytic c) Oxidative


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