There’s a bad influence in every group of people. - There’s a bad potato in every sack.” –Welsh proverb, Young people think they know everything. - The egg thinks it’s smarter than the hen.” –Polish proverb, Members of the same family have different personalities. - „Fruits from the same tree have different tastes,” –Chinese proverb, Some neglect close ones while helping others. - „The spoonmaker’s children often have the worst spoon.”, You can’t judge things by their appearance. - „The beard doesn’t make the philosopher.” –Italian proverb, Easy come, easy go. Nothing lasts forever. - „The devil always takes back his gift.” –Ukrainian proverb, Food is more important than fashion. - „ A piece of bread in the pocket is better than a feather in the hat.” –Swedish proverb, After being hurt, you get a lot more careful. - „A dog bitten by a snake is afraid of sausages.” –Brazilian proverb,

Proverbs 3


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