1) Whose phone is this?  a) They're Owen's b) It's Owen c) It's Owen's 2) Whose fruit are these? a) They're my Mum's b) They're my Mum. c) They're my. 3) Whose radio ... ? a) is this b) are these c) are those 4) Whose headphones are these? a) It's Lucy's b) They're Lucy's c) They're Lucy 5) Whose tablet is this? a) They're James. b) It's James's c) They're James's 6) Whose guitar ... ? a) are these b) is this c) is those 7) Whose glasses ... ? a) are this b) is these c) are these 8) Whose watch ... ? a) are these b) is this c) is these d) are this 9) These trousers are ... . a) Ben's and Lucy's b) Ben and Lucy c) Ben and Lucy's 10) This is ... house. a) Mum's and Dad's b) Mum and Dad's c) Mum and Dad

Possessives: 's and whose it this / are these


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