1) Are you interested in sport? 2) What's your favourite sport? 3) What is the sport you don't really like? 4) Do you take any regular exercises? 5) Are you a member of any sports? 6) What sports are you good at? 7) Do you jog? 8) How often did you go swimming? 9) What do you do to keep fit? 10) What facilities does your school have for sports? 11) How is your gym equipped? 12) HOw many PE lessons do you have a week? 13) What kind of exercises do you do in the PE lessons? 14) What are the most popular sports in Hungary? 15) What are the basic winter sports in Hungary? 16) Have you ever been skiing? Are you a good skier? 17) What equipment do you need for skiing? 18) Have you ever been to a football match? 19) What sports do you watch live or on TV? 20) How do you feel about extreem sports? 21) What do you think of combat sports? 22) Why is physical exercise important to health? 23) What do you know about Olympic Games? 24) Describe your favourite sport. 25) Talk about the picture. 26) Talk about the picture. 27) Individual vs. team sports


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