1) All children look forward to .................... their presents on their birthday. a) unwrap b) unwrapping c) unwrapped d) have unwrapped 2) The streets were crowded ...... people. a) by b) for c) of d) with 3) ...... an award for your research is such an honor. a) giving b) the giving c) to give d) to be given 4) I ............ this restaurant ever since it opened. a) always eat in b) have been eating at c) would eat at d) used to be eating in 5) The professor gave the students ............ of assignments to do over the holidays. a) a great many b) a number c) many d) most 6) I haven't decided .......... to New York or fly. a) if I drive b) how to drive c) should I drive d) whether to drive 7) Immigrants always remember the day on ........... they left their countries. a) how b) why c) when d) which 8) Her clothes are inexpensive ......................... a) and fashion b) but fashionable c) nor fashionable d) or fashion 9) If the car ............. by tomorrow, we won't be able to go on vacation. a) does not fix b) is not fixed c) has fixed d) will not be fixed 10) The next time you ......... her, tell her to call me. a) are seeing b) could see c) see d) will see 11) I .......... to work when my car broke down. a) drive b) was driving c) drove d) will drive 12) The teacher had the students ......... their essays in class. a) rewrite b) rewrote c) rewritten d) to rewrite 13) My doctor told me that I should drink .............. coffee. a) fewer b) the fewest c) less d) the least 14) More and more people are caring ........... the environment. a) about b) from c) of d) with 15) The manager asked why .......... sent. a) the invoice hadn't been b) the invoice hadn't c) has the invoice not d) didn't the invoice 16) Doctors say that seven hours of sleep ............. for the human brain to rest. a) is enough b) is much c) are few d) are a lot 17) .................... in the army for over 30 years, he found civilian life boring. a) being b) having been c) to be d) to have been 18) What kind of laptop do you want?One .......... a 17 inch screen. a) has b) that has c) that is having d) to have 19) He .......... be very smart. He can learn foreign languages easily. a) shall b) must c) should d) would 20) .............. he studied hard all term, he passed all his exams. a) as a result that b) because of c) even though d) since 21) The film was ................. that I left before the end. a) so bored b) so boring c) such boredom d) such a boring 22) I don't feel so well, I wish I .......... much ice cream. a) hadn't eaten so b) didn't eat c) wouldn't eat as d) couldn't have eaten 23) She behaves ............ she were a child. a) as long b) as though c) just d) only just 24) The man was pleased ......... his daughter's school report. a) at b) for c) to d) with 25) It is not always easy for the elderly ........... advanced technology. a) use b) used c) using d) to use

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