2 They refused to compensate us at the hotel. - a ’We won’t give you any compensation.’, 8 They suggested we move to another hotel. - b ‘Why don’t you move to another hotel?’, 1 They told us they would meet us at arrivals. - c ‘We’ll meet you at arrivals.’, 6 The receptionist promised to sort it out in the morning. - d ‘I promise I’ll sort it out in the morning.’, 7 They offered to give us a new room. - e ‘We’ll give you a new room if you like.’, 3 We’d asked them to give us two single beds. - f ‘Could you give us two single beds, please?’, 9 They said it was nearby. - g ‘It’s very close.’, 4 We told the receptionist to get us a twin room. - h ‘Get us a twin room.’, 5 I threatened to speak to the manager. - i ‘If you don’t, I’ll speak to the manager.’,

Match the reported speech to the direct speech


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