Aerobic Activity - Steady activity in which the heart can supply all the oxygen the body needs. "With Oxygen", Anaerobic Activity - Activities for which the body cannot supply enough oxygen to keep going for long periods of time. "Without Oxygen" , Body Mass Index (BMI) - A formula that determines a healthy body weight based on height., Circuit Training - Training that uses a circuit of exercises around a number of different work stations., Coordination - The ability to control, and put together movements made by different parts of the body., Cramp - A sudden, uncontrollable, contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles., Endurance - Stamina, the ability to keep going for long periods of time., Extend - To straighten a joint, FITT Principal - Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type, Form - Placement of body parts during exercise, Hydration - To supply water to a person in order to restore or maintain a balance of fluids, Interval Training - Training with alternating work and rest intervals, Physical Fitness - A physical state of well being, Relaxation - A process of reducing tension, rigidity, anxiety and intensity., Repetitions - The number of consecutive times one does an exercise, Routine - Performing movements the same way time after time., Skills - A capacity to perform a specific task that involves the use muscles and nerves together with the brain., Techniques - The basic pattern of movements which have been developed in every activity., Variation of Training - Training should be varied to prevent boredom occurring and injury developing., Voluntary Muscle - Muscle that can be controlled by your conscious decisions.,


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