1) It happened in the past. a) jumping b) jumped 2) It is happening now. a) locking b) locked 3) It happened in the past. a) fixed b) fixing 4) It is happening now. a) kicking b) kicked 5) It happened in the past. a) looking b) looked 6) It happened in the past. a) passed b) passing 7) It is happening now. a) missed b) missing 8) It is happening now. a) messing b) messed 9) It happened in the past. a) puffing b) puffed 10) It is happening now. a) picking b) picked 11) It happened in the past. a) quacking b) quacked 12) It is happening now. a) tossing b) tossed 13) It happened in the past. a) packing b) packed 14) It is happening now. a) waxing b) waxed 15) It happened in the past. a) fixing b) fixed


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