1) What is a solid, nonliving substance found in nature? a) luster b) streak c) mineral d) Mohs Hardness Scale e) cleavage f) magnetism 2) Each mineral has its own ____________________, which are used to tell them apart. a) weathering b) igneous c) metamorphic d) properties e) sediments f) lava 3) _________________ alone can NOT be used to identify a mineral.  a) Color b) Hardness c) Streak d) Luster e) Cleavage f) Magnetism 4) ____________ is the color of the powder left behind when a mineral is rubbed across a tile.  a) Luster b) Magnetism c) Hardness d) Moh e) Cleavage f) Streak 5) A ________________ is a chart that will give information about the properties of the mineral. It helps geologists identify the mineral.  a) luster b) mineral identification key c) hardness d) rock chart e) quartz f) talc 6) __________________ are the hardest mineral according to the Mohs Hardness Scale.  a) Igneous rocks b) Feldspar c) Diamonds d) Talc e) Metamorphic rocks f) Sediment 7) If a diamond is a "10" on the Mohs Hardness Scale, what must be true? a) It is the hardest of minerals. b) It can scratch all of the other minerals.  c) No other mineral can scratch it. d) It is very strong. e) It is at the top of the Mohs scale.  f) All of these are true. 8) What is true about streak? a) It tells how hard a mineral is. b) It will always be the same color for each type of mineral.  c) It tells how light shines on the mineral. d) The color of the powder left behind will be exactly the same as the color of the mineral. e) It means a mineral breaks unevenly. f) A streak will bubble up when you put vinegar on it. 9) What is luster? a) The color of the powder left behind on a tile. b) The scale used to find the hardness. c) It's a fancy word for the color of the mineral. d) It describes how light bounces off of a mineral. e) How hard a mineral is. f) It tells if a mineral is attracted to a magnet. 10) This mineral breaks into thin sheets. This is called ___________. a) luster b) hardness c) color d) Mohs e) cleavage f) streak 11) Where does table salt come from? a) It is formed from flowing magma. b) It is left behind after a volcano erupts. c) It is left behind when water evaporates. d) It is formed by freezing water. e) It's only available from the grocery store. f) It is man-made. 12) I have a very hard, purple mineral. When I run it across a tile, there is no streak. What could it be? a) mica b) quartz c) talc d) feldspar e) graphite f) galena 13) Which mineral is used in pencils? a) mica b) quartz c) talc d) feldspar e) graphite f) galena 14) I have a colorless mineral. What could it be? a) calcite b) feldspar c) mica d) quartz e) Both a and d f) A, B, and D 15) I have a mineral that scratches with a copper coin (a penny), but I couldn't scratch it with my fingernail. What mineral do I have? a) diamond b) calcite c) feldspar d) quartz e) corundum f) topaz 16) Talc is the softest mineral on the Mohs Hardness Scale. What is a common use for talc? a) table salt b) an ingredient in tennis shoes c) powder d) toothpaste e) coffee f) chocolate chip cookies 17) This mineral has a ____________ luster. a) shiny b) pearly c) glassy d) dull e) pretty f) ugly 18) This mineral has a _____________ luster. a) pearly b) dull c) glittery d) dark e) sparkly f) bumpy 19) This mineral has a ____________________ property. a) glowing b) hardness c) magnetic d) fizzing e) cleavage f) brown 20) Minerals are ____________________? a) solid b) natural c) nonliving d) formed from magma e) not plant or animal f) All of the above.

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