1) Let's drive ______ than her! a) faster b) fastest 2) Which country is the _______ in the world? a) smallest b) smaller 3) Who is _______ Tom or David? a) shortest b) shorter 4) This is the ________ trip ever! a) longer b) longest 5) This class is the _____! a) best b) better 6) This bookcase is ______ than that one. a) tallest b) taller 7) He is the _______ kid in the class. a) smarter b) smartest 8) Kittens are the ______ animals! a) cutest b) cuter 9) My dad is the ______ in the world! a) stronger b) strongest 10) My sister is _____ than my brother a) nicest b) nicer

-er or -est?


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