Is there any sport/activity you're especially keen on? Would you like to sign up to any courses? , Is it easy for you to give up a bad habit? What habits have you already overcome?, How often do you eat out? Can you recommend any good cafes or restaurants?, How would you act if burglars broke in?, Have you ever forgotten to take back the things/money you borrowed? What was the reason for it?, What can't you stand at all in people's behaviour? What people do you get on well with? Why?, Do you use any painkillers? Which of them are the most effective?, How many words and phrases can you memorize during one class?, For which crimes should a person be put in prison? In which cases should a criminal be sentenced to life imprisonment/capital punishment? Why?, How do you deal with impolite and aggressive people? Is it better to give in or confront them? Why?, Can you imagine yourself doing a different job, having a different life? What would it be like?, What's the furthest place you have ever been to? When and with whom? Share your impressions..

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