1) Earache a) You have a pain in your ears b) Your throat hurts c) You use them to write d) You use it to speak 2) Nose a) You have ten on your hands b) You need them to walk c) You smell with it d) You see with them 3) Headache a) You have a pain in your stomach b) Your head aches c) You have ten on your feet d) You hear with them 4) Mouth a) You use it to speak b) You have a pain in your back c) You have a pain in your ears d) You see with them 5) Ears a) You have ten on your feet b) You have a pain in your back c) You hear with them d) You need them to stand up 6) Hands a) You use them to write b) You need them to stand up c) You hear with them d) You have a pain in your ears 7) Feet a) Your head aches b) You need them to walk c) Your throat hurts d) You smell with it 8) Backache a) You need them to stand up b) You have a pain in your back c) You hear with them d) You have ten on your feet 9) Legs a) You need them to stand up b) You have ten on your hands c) Your head aches d) You use it to speak 10) Stomachache a) You smell with it b) You need them to walk c) You have a pain in your back d) You have a pain in your stomach 11) Eyes a) You use them to write b) You have a pain in your ears c) You see with them d) You use it to speak 12) Sore throat a) You need them to walk b) Your throat hurts c) You need them to stand up d) You have a pain in your ears 13) Fingers a) You have ten on your hands b) You need them to walk c) You see with them d) Your head aches 14) Toes a) You have a pain in your back b) You have ten on your hands c) You have ten on your feet d) You smell with it

Parts of the body + illnesses


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