1) Yesterday, I .... to school. a) go b) goed c) went 2) Yesterday, I.... a hamburger. a) eat b) ate c) eated 3) Yesterday, I .... a dinosaur. a) see b) seed c) saw 4) Yesterday, we ...... Science. a) studied b) study c) studyied 5) Yesterday, my dad ..... TV. a) watch b) watched c) wotch 6) Yesterday, the boys ..... soccer. a) played b) play c) plaied 7) Yesterday, I ...... go to the cinema. a) not b) don't c) didn't 8) Yesterday, my mom .... to the supermarket. a) go b) goed c) went 9) Yesterday, my sister..... piano. a) play b) plays c) played 10) Yesterday, I ..... sushi. a) ate b) eat c) ote 11) Yesterday, my sister ......... her friend Carol. a) meeted b) met c) meets

Exercise simple past Yesterday


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