alderman - a member of a local council and a deputy mayor, Lord Mayor - a position of importance in local government, magistrate - local official who serves in a law court, the bench - nickname for the magistrate court, warrant - legal document used by the police, infirmary - hospital, naive - innocent and protected, impertinent - insulting to someone who is your social superior, morality - the belief that certain behaviour is right or wrong, sot - heavy drinker, rogue - criminal, notorious - well known for bad things, a bad reputation, vindictive - cruel, seedy - tacky and immoral, disreptuable - not a nice reputation, dodgy, euphemism - polite way of saying something unpleasant or shocking, cad - a man who ill trates women but who seems like a gentleman, impudence - behaviour that is too bold or cocky, scruples - morals, airs - fine ideas or attitudes,


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