1) St. Patrick was born in ____________. a) Ireland b) the USA c) Britain d) Germany 2) What colours can you see on the Irish flag? a) red, white, blue b) green, red, white c) orange, green, red d) green, white, orange 3) On 17th March St. Patrick _____________. a) was born b) died c) came to Ireland d) became a priest 4) What plant is a symbol of Ireland? a) a shamrock b) a tulip c) a rose d) a maple 5) Which animals did St. Patrick drive from Ireland? a) mice b) frogs c) snakes d) tortoises 6) The tradition of St. Patrick's Day parades started in ___________. a) Scotland b) the USA c) France d) England 7) Today the largest and longest St. Patrick's Day parade can be seen in _______________. a) London b) Washington D.C. c) Dublin d) New York 8) What happened in Ireland in the 1840s? a) the flood b) the earthquake c) the potato famine d) the cabbage famine 9) Which of these is a nickname of Ireland? a) the Obsidian Isle b) the Diamond Isle c) the Green Land d) the Emerald Isle 10) Patrick used the three leaves of the shamrock to explain _______________. a) the Triangle b) the Holy Trinity c) the Deathly Hallows d) the family love

Bet you didn't know! St Patrick's Day Quiz


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