1) transverse a) The particles oscillate parallel with the direction of energy transfer. b) The time for one complete wave. c) The number of waves produced in one second. d) The particles oscillate perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. 2) longitudinal a) The time for one complete wave. b) An area of low pressure in a longitudinal wave. c) The particles oscillate parallel with the direction of energy transfer. d) The distance from the top of a crest to the top of the next crest. 3) amplitude a) An area of low pressure in a longitudinal wave. b) The maximum height of the wave from rest position to the top of a crest. c) The number of waves produced in one second. d) The distance from the crest to the next crest. 4) wavelength a) The distance from the crest to the crest. b) An area of high pressure in a longitudinal wave. c) The maximum height of the wave from rest position to the top of a crest. d) the bottom of a wave 5) frequency a) The number of waves produced in one second. b) The maximum height of the wave from rest position to the top of a crest. c) The top of a wave d) The distance from the crest to the next crest. 6) period a) An area of low pressure in a longitudinal wave. b) The particles oscillate perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. c) The time for one complete wave. d) The particles oscillate parallel with the direction of energy transfer. 7) compression a) An area of high pressure in a longitudinal wave. b) The time for one complete wave. c) The maximum height of the wave from rest position to the top of a crest. d) The particles oscillate parallel with the direction of energy transfer. 8) rarefaction a) The particles oscillate parallel with the direction of energy transfer. b) An area of low pressure in a longitudinal wave. c) The maximum height of the wave from rest position to the top of a crest. d) The particles oscillate perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. 9) crest a) the bottom of a wave b) The top of a wave c) The particles oscillate parallel with the direction of energy transfer. d) The maximum height of the wave from rest position to the top of a crest. 10) tough a) The time for one complete wave. b) the bottom of a wave c) The top of a wave d) The distance from the top of a crest to the top of the next crest.

Maze Chase WAVE Definitions


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