1) Yesterday I ... the new museum in town centre . a) visit b) visited c) visits 2) Jason... the windows every month.  a) clean b) cleaned c) cleans 3) Did you ... Mrs Willson carry the bags? a) help b) helped c) helps 4) This koala ... climbing trees. a) like b) liked c) likes 5) Mike ... his friends yesterday in the café. a) see b) saw c) sees 6) What did we ... for breakfast? a) have b) has c) had 7) Last Saturday Helen and I ... tennis with our friends. a) plays b) played c) play 8) At weekends we always ... at home. a) stay b) stays c) stayed 9) Harry ... to sleep. a) wanted b) wants c) want 10) Last night I ... TV alone. a) watch b) watches c) watched 11) Sandy usually ... her clothes alone. a) washed b) wash c) washes 12) This morning I didn't ... the dogs in the forest, we were in the park. a) walk b) walked c) walks 13) People usually ... their teeth twice a day. a) brush b) brushed c) brushes 14) Did Nick ... yesterday? - Yes, he did. a) work b) works c) worked 15) Last September we ... school. a) start b) starts c) started 16) What time does the concert ... ?  a) finishes b) finish c) finished 17) At night I always ... the window.  a) open b) opens c) opened 18) Last year we ... to Mexico. a) travel b) travelled c) travels 19) This morning Granny ... to music in the garden. a) listened b) listens c) listen 20) Mike didn't ... a good picture. a) paint b) paints c) painted

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