captain - the leader of a sports team, champion - a sports person who wins , finalist - a competitor or team in the final or finals of a competition, supporter - people who support someone or something, TV reporter - a person employed by a newspaper, magazine, manager - a person responsible for organization or group of staff, owner - a person who owns something, referee - a person who controls a game, sponsor - a person or organization who pay for or give money to an event, loser - a person who has failed at a particular activity, trainer - a person who teaches skills to people, atmosphere - A particular environment or surrounding influence, compete - take part in a contest, competition - a situation in which someone is trying to win something, situation - a condition or combination of conditions that exist at a particular time, racing - competition in races, have a go at - try, support - to give courage, faith, or confidence to;, season - the time of the year when you play a sport, team - a group of players,

People in sport Unit 7


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