1) What is a food that you used to hate but now you like? 2) Did you use to have a pet? 3) Did you use to get good grades in elementary school? 4) What used to be your favorite game to play? 5) Where did you use to play when you were a child? What about now? 6) How often did you use to get in trouble when you were younger? Explain (use "would" to talk about routine-like actions). 7) What were some of the benefits of living in the past? 8) Where did you use to go on your summer holidays when you were a child? 9) What cartoons or tv shows did you use to like when you were young? 10) What did you use to be scared of when you were a child? 11) What used to be your favourite film/films when you were a child? 12) Did you use to have a favorite subject or teacher in primary school? 13) What did your life use to be like when you were 10? Explain (use "would" to talk about routine-like actions).

Used to and would


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