1) If I had only 24 hours to live, ... 2) If I were the opposite gender, ... 3) If Turkey were the most powerful country in the world, ... 4) ..., I would be much healthier. 5) If I had one magical power, ... 6) ..., I would run away from home. 7) If there were no Internet connection for a month, ... 8) I would feel depressed if ... 9) If I knew that one of my parents committed a crime, ... 10) I would quit my job if ... 11) If a stranger in the street asked for some money, ... 12) ..., I wouldn't wear nice clothes today. 13) If my best friend lied to me, ... 14) If I changed one thing about myself, ... 15) ..., we wouldn't need teachers. 16) ..., I would get on much better with him/her. 17) If I had to give up one thing that I enjoy, ... 18) If I were put in charge of the world during the pandemic, ... 19) ..., people would take photos of me all the time. 20) If I found my girlfriend's/ boyfriend's diary, ... 21) If I dropped and broke my new mobile phone, ... 22) If I were stuck in a lift for three hours, ... 23) If I went back in time, ... 24) If I had an identical twin, ... 25) ..., I would betray my friend. 26) If everyone lived for over 200 years, ... 27) If I were invisible for a day,... 28) If there were no girls in the world, ... 29) ..., I would do the washing up for a month. 30) ..., I would have lots of problems with my neighbors.

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