is it not? - הֲלֹא, all (of) the land (is) for you - כָל-הָאָרֶץ לְפָנֶיךָ, be separated now (please) - הִפָּרֶד נָא, from on me - מֵעָלָי, if (you go to) the left - אִם-הַשְּׂמֹאל, and I will (go) to (the) right - וְאֵימִנָה, and if (you will go to) the right - וְאִם-הַיָּמִין, and i will (go) to (the) right - וְאַשְׂמְאִילָה,

פרק י״ג פסוק ט


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