Under no circumnstances will the teacher allow students to work with dictionaries, Not only did the president extend the lockdown but also announced some changes in taxing , Never had the girl enjoyed being at home more, Rarely has the company fallen in such a loss, Seldom have my parents allowed me to organise a party at home, No sooner had I bought the ticket for the concert that I realised I had an exam on the same day, Hardly had my father left when my mother found his wallet on the table , Only after emailing the teacher have did I understand what we had to do, On no condition are shops allowed to open during the lockdown, Not until I saw Mary and John did I believe they are dating, So exciting was the trip on a cruise that my parents decided to invite some friends and do it again next year , Had I bought this computer last year I could have finished my thesis before, I thought, as did my classmates, that the exam was next week. , Should you go downtown let me know,

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